The other day I discovered this awesome site called
Hero Forge where you can generate a 3d image and have them make a figurine for you. Perfect for us D&D players. I personally am a GM (or DM if you choose) so have no need for a character but for fun I made one of myself. I like Eagles and they are part of my heritage (last name is Ewing which is short for E-wing which is shorter from Eagle Wing Clan out of Scotland) and I put a 20 sided die on there because I'm the GM as mentioned. Anyways... I offered to my players a free paint up of their characters. One is done, the others are rolling in.
If you want me to paint one of these digital images up for you, just contact me at and we can work out the deets. I'm thinking $15 USD. Takes me about 2 hrs so this is a steal in my opinion because hey... what is your time worth? I know mine is worth more than $7.50 an hour. lol. But, this is more just to have some fun. If I get swamped with orders, this price might have to go up.
In fact... first 10 get it at that price. After that... $20.
Here is me and below that, and two of the characters in my game done up for the players.
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