Friday, May 25, 2012


  1. Patrick was having a bad day. He'd awoken to zombies scratching and moaning at his door. Being highly trained in the fine art of zombie dispatch, it didn't take him long to reduce the horde to a pile of decaying heads, arms, legs, and other unrecognizable chunks. He was a little miffed about the early wake-up, but no big deal.

    "It's all in the Tao" was a saying of his. In plain language, it meant shit happens and you have to learn to accept it, learn the lesson and move on. But he'd been in the middle of a dream involving beaches, hot chicks, and saving the world. Zombie destruction wasn't quite as much fun. Clean-up was even worse.

    About the time he was finishing up, his super-philosopher senses told him something was amiss. He scanned the surroundings; the horses across the road, tails swishing and munching on grass, Nine Inch Nails pounding from the nearby stoner apartment, evil ninja aliens landing in his yard-

    What the hell?!

    It'd only been two weeks since the last invasion. He'd fought the four-legged, 12 eyed, paste-eating ninja aliens to a standstill, battled them back onto their ship, and sent them packing, fully expecting to have at least a month to establish another plan before a return. Now, the unpleasant smell of paste burps assaulted his nose again.

    He picked up a zombie femur and went to work. After a brutal skirmish, he'd once again dispatched them but was left covered with undigested paste and the squishy blue stuff they squirted upon being beaten with zombie femurs.

    "It's all in the Tao" he kept telling himself and he hosed the sludge off his body. Lesson learned, wisdom gained, etc., etc.

    To top it off, when he got back to his apartment, he found that malevolent fairies had stolen all his left socks.

    "Jesus H. Christ in a porno film!" he yelled, "You little bastards, gimme' back my socks!"

    He was greeted by tiny giggles and a chortle or two. One of them chucked the gnawed-on tip of a rotten carrot at him. More giggles.

    Patrick's mood smelled of bad gravy. He needed something good to happen. He popped the lid on his laptop, typed in the password for his Google Plus account, and noted that he had 2 notifications. He clicked the little red box and saw that his good buddy Scotty had gifted him with an artistically rendered portrait.

    Patrick smiled. He read the friendly and thoughtful post Scotty had included with the gift and his smile soaked in and reached his heart. The bad gravy smell dissipated and all was well.

    Patrick sat back and pondered. He whipped up a little story, as writer, philosopher, zombie killing, ninja battling folks are prone to do, and thought about how powerful friendship and kindness are. He posted the story, the portrait, and his message of gratitude on Google Plus and moved forward with his day with a smile on his face and gladness in his heart.

    It's all in the Tao.

    Thanks, Scotty. You made my day, man. Respect & Gratitude :)

  2. That is really really good, Scotty! I have something to aspire to be - you're placement and linework is great.

  3. Thanks Nikki. Appreciate that. ;) xox
