Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Will draw for money

I might tap dance too even though I have no idea how. lol. If you want something drawn, anything... let me know. We can discuss it. Cartoons are fun though. You can use them in your emails to your staff or in newsletters. Send them to family, put them on xmas cards or whatever. If you need something drawn, lets talk. I do digital work too.



Monday, January 29, 2018

Saturday, January 27, 2018


Hi folks. Today I bring to you a video saying Hi, thanks, where I find my jokes (hint... most are not from my noggin), what tools I use and some music in the background (besides my messy bedroom/studio in the background that is).
Click below to visit my art blog, support/follow on Vimeo or even better... send me a dollar or three to support a starving artist like myself so I can continue to buy more supplies and maybe... just maybe... send my daughter to school in a few yrs so she doesn't end up a dummy like her dear old daddy is. lol. You can donate to paypal at Any donations over $10... I will draw you up in a cartoon form and mail it out to you. Sound good? I will also give you a public shout out in my next video to boot.
Thanks to all of you who comment, like and "lol" now and again. It keeps me going.


View on Vimeo here:

Jan 27 2018 from Slack Scotty on Vimeo.
Posted on by ScottyRoberts | No comments

Friday, January 26, 2018

Killing it!

Its Friday bishes and i'm gonna destroy this weekend! (by doing very little but gaming until Monday) Pew Pew Pew.

How about you, what are your "big" weekend plans?

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Off to the market

Going "shopping". That's what it feels like I find. Like picking up packages on the shelf and reading labels except with humans. So strange.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Friday, January 19, 2018

A good question

Why did the chicken cross the road, return, play in some mud, then cross the road again? 

Because it was a dirty double crosser.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Monday, January 15, 2018

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Video test

As part of my plan to perhaps utilize Patreon to step up my art game and maybe make a tiny bit of earnings in the process... one of the steps is regular videos on either me talking to my audience or "how to" videos. So today I put together an over head rig to hold cameras and tried my DRIFT HD sports cam I have had for years to see how things look with this set up. Feel free to comment. I will be doing more of these with different setups and different cameras to dial it in.

No idea why my text at the end didn't save after I typed it. LOL. too funny "title text here". Good thing this is a test run. Amateur!



Posted on by ScottyRoberts | No comments

Friday, January 12, 2018

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Patreon time?

For years I have been drawing and occasionally someone reaches out and pays me to do some work for them. I'm not exactly the kind of artist that gets commissions though so its rare. I tend to draw emotionally and randomly and it tends to be black and white mostly and often sci-fi shows up as the main subject more than others. But... people always say to me "you should sell your art, you are so good" to which I am very grateful of course but realize that the market is tough. Super hard to make a living in when you are an indie style artist like myself. All that said though... I have several hundred folks on FB who like what I do and on Google+ I have somehow magically garnered an audience of almost 26 thousand people!! I have no idea how that happened but it did and I am grateful for it of course.

So... I have been thinking about this idea of making money from my art and have been looking at the Patreon format to possibly do so. It brings to mind some questions though.. how to do it being first and foremost and of course the other question... would people pay to help me do this?

Is this a money grab? I think no. In all honesty... this is just a way to get paid for entertaining you. I draw comics at times, right now I have been doing PostIt note comics which are coming across as well received, I do complex and detailed artwork sometimes and more. For years I have given that to you all to see and enjoy for free but maybe... what if you were okay with offering me $1 a month or $2 a month, maybe even $5 a month or more because you like what I do, feel okay with paying me to continue making art and so forth. For people who pay more, they would get access to personal video vlogs on how the drawing was made or face time sessions via Google+ in hangouts or other ideas. Maybe the top donations to my tip jar for this concept would get art mailed out to them. So many ideas are available. I have been learning this art stuff all my life and have invested so much money in paper and pens and paint and a tablet and and and... lots of money invested and thousands upon thousands of hours invested in the craft so is it off base to think maybe some money coming back would be okay? I don't make much money... 2k a month actually and raising a teen daughter almost 90% of the time on my own financially as well. Rent is high ($1200) and then there are the usual bills like phone, car insurance, fuel, food, cell phone, internet, hydro, electric, etc. Usually at the end of the month I have about $50 for us to see a movie or something. It's no wonder I have been single for 10 yrs. I can't even afford to date! Lol. Anyways... a few extra bucks here and there would certainly help to cover costs of materials, pay me for my time making this stuff, allow me to reinvest the money into the channel or maybe one day if big enough, allow me to quit my job and focus on art for you all full time and really start to generate great work and lots of it. When you have 5 hours after work to take care of home, life, child and a bit of "me" time... there isn't much room left for art time. I would like to see that change one day. Anyways... I am rambling...

I want to hear from you guys on this. Would you support me? What kinds of things would you like to see for your investment in me?

Thank you all for supporting me/following me. I am so very grateful for this audience I have.



Me on Google+ 
Me on Facebook
Me on DeviantArt 
Me on YouTube

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Monday, January 8, 2018

Friday, January 5, 2018

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Monday, January 1, 2018