Friday, March 11, 2016


So great to see Spidey show up in that Avengers, Civil War promo clip. Antman and Panther too! It's because of these 3 additions that I will see it. Anyone else starting to get a tad bored with the franchise? Well, just so long as they keep adding characters instead of relying on the originals... it will be good.

Anyways... lets have a song together shall we?

Spiderman, Spiderman, 
Does whatever a spider can 
Spins a web, any size, 
Catches thieves just like flies 
Look Out! 
Here comes the Spiderman. 

Is he strong? 
Listen bud, 
He's got radioactive blood. 
Can he swing from a thread 
Take a look overhead 
Hey, there 
There goes the Spiderman. 

In the chill of night 
At the scene of a crime 
Like a streak of light 
He arrives just in time. 

Spiderman, Spiderman 
Friendly neighborhood Spiderman 
Wealth and fame 
He's ignored 
Action is his reward. 

To him, life is a great big bang up 
Wherever there's a hang up 
You'll find the Spider man.


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