Monday, November 9, 2015

4x4 trucks and oddness

It's really fun to draw from photo's I am finding but its also.... strange. I'm not entirely sure how to explain it. I mean, drawing as I have always drawn requires closing the eyes and imagining and coming up with unique material out of thin air for the most part. When I draw these however... its duplicating. There is no imagining to do. Its just an odd feeling that I'm not used to I suppose. I realize that as a kid I would do this  kind of drawing always but back then everything was drawn for the first time so the sensation was different. Now... its almost a feeling of cheating. I just feel like perhaps I should be closing my eyes and coming up with these trucks out of my mind instead of duplicating from a photo. Maybe one day I will be able to do that I suppose. Anyways... all that rambling aside... here are two drawings based off photo reference. One drawing based off of an RC truck and one drawing based off a real truck.

If you have a truck, car, RC, whatever... that you want me to draw up for you... give me a shout. A pic like these goes for about $60.


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