Sunday, March 28, 2010

Still beautiful

Some might think a woman is ugly if she has a nasty scar on her face but I figured.. no. So, did up a sketch of such a thing.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Super Yousuf

Got a message on facebook the other day from a buddy of mine from the past who is a rapper. He is releasing a tune in a few days called "Superman" and he wanted a pic of him as a superman kinda looking guy. He is going to use the art on his website and to promote the single. I'm cool with that. Still have to color it and super impose it onto a sky background for him but here are the inks. The "Y" is his name... Yousuf.

Spidey and the gargoyle

Mattcrap (you can find him in the interviews section) over at deviant did this pose I liked and I envisioned it as Spiderman so thats what I did with the pose.

Big boob chicky with big guns. Whatever.

Okay, so internet has been down (still is) with the move but still did some drawings in amongst the chaos. Scanned them in last night, found the usb stick and put them on there and brought them to work so I can post them (gotta get my weekly quota of "atta boy's").

Did this one on a lark. Wanted to draw, didnt know what to draw so just let it happen. Not liking it much but figured what the hell...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thor my way

I always thought Thor came across just too pretty for the Norse god of war and all that. Figured I would draw him up the way I thought he SHOULD look.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

VF1 Valkyrie

Did this for a challenge over at Outcast Studio's called the Daily Sketch Challenge

The Hulk

Did this up for a friend named AJ Jothkumar who does proffesional animation. He is also one of the moderators over at Outcast A great guy who takes time from his life to help aspiring artists.

Robot man

Did this for a challenge over at Outcast Studio's called the Daily Sketch Challenge

Indian Jones

Did this for a challenge over at Outcast Studio's called the Daily Sketch Challenge


Did this for a challenge over at Outcast Studio's called the Daily Sketch Challenge

More Angelos Fan art

This is a comic done by Amy who does the Ant comics which you will find in the links section. She put my Angelos character in amongst her cartoon. Very cool.

Angelos Fan Art

Here is a picture done of Angelos from Robert E. Mansperger who you will find in the links section. Its an awesome job he did.

Thanks Rob

Angelos ~ Web Comic 1

In 2008 I decided to give making a web comic a go. Boy, I sure did learn a lot. I learned that the time it takes and dedication to the project when you have no real time limitations is something to respect from those who do it for a living. Wow, it was tough. Often I found myself cheating a page and cutting corners on images just to get it over and done. Well, here is that comic. You will see constant changes throughout as I experimented continually with it.