Thursday, June 21, 2012


  1. I'm getting more out of looking at your illustrations than I have in the past. Now I notice the way you use lines to get a feeling of consistency (the lines of the steps, Bat-Girls dress, lines on the platform, pane-lines in the window glass, and the angle of the phone and antenna).

    I also see that your style isn't all in straight lines and angles, it's getting the point across without spending time on super-straight lines and such. You draw the suggestion of a thing (like a window pane) and it's okay that it's a little wiggly. It's your style and it works well in the context.

    In this one, I can see that you set the picture up to leave room for the word bubble in a place that won't detract from necessary features in the drawing. In a comic format, that kind of stuff has to be considered or the finished product wouldn't be readable. Nice work, man. Again, your experience shows through in subtle ways that my eye and mind didn't use to catch.

    Thanks for sharing and for your dedication.

  2. For some time I worked with a ruler and concentrated on keeping it clean and tidy but something was never quite right. Then one day I let it all loosen up and bingo! It fit. I have been told I have a real "garage band" feel to my art and it wasnt in a bad way. I will alway remember that crit because it was/is a style I have always been drawn too. I love those posters you see around town advertising garage bands or those home made indy mini comics that exist out there.

    Once you understand the basic fundamentals of light source, hatching, perspective and a few other tricks... then you can revert back to the way your mind and your hands work. You cant build a house without a foundation.

    Cheers buddy
